Mart 2010


TPO Foundation in cooperation with INFOHOUSE, CURE Foundation, and 10 NGOs, in 36 towns and 105 rural areas in B&H, all from B&H, implements the project 101 reason to vote for woman. Project is implemented with the support of Swiss Cooperation Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina (SDC), Heinrich Böll Foundation and Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation.
One of the project objectives is to illustrate B&H society advantages of active involvement of women in political life, and consequences of their exclusion from decision-making processes for both society and women themselves.
Preparations started in mid March, and on April 15, the first press conference will be held where public will be informed on plan of activities for the next seven months.
Although B&H constitutional-legal framework guarantees equal rights for both men and women, in practise, only 17% of women participate in the political life. To change such situation and to advance status of women in politics, TPO Foundation, INFOHOUSE, CURE Foundation and 10 local NGOs, joined in effort to conduct largest awareness raising media campaign and education up to date, promoting importance of voting for women, with particular emphasis on women voting for women.
Thanks to local partners: Medica Zenica, Forum žena Bratunac, Vesta Tuzla, Asocijacija mladih BD Brčko, Lara Bijeljina, Udružene žene Banja Luka, Glas žene Bihać, UG Grahovo Bosansko Grahovo, Li-Woman Livno and Žena BiH Mostar, the campaign will cover more than 20.000 km2, dozens of media houses, and reach to about 20.000 users.
Even 101 celebrities, that will give their opinion on one question that hasn't been answered since the first democratic elections, will be given the answer to question: WHY VOTE FOR WOMEN?

In April, activities will be oriented to collecting 101 statements from celebrities, finalizing promotional materials and lounging nation-wide media campaign! In May and June, in addition to on-going media campaign (TV and radio jingles, TV shows, video clip filming and broadcasting...), educational workshops for 3000 direct users from more than 130 communities will be organized. Central event in the entire campaign will be the announcement of the best out of 101 reasons to vote for woman.

>> More on implementing partners..